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Larry Linson founded, in 1993, and still leads the Microsoft Access Special Interest Group (SIG) of the North Texas PC User Group. You'll find information at the Access SIG web site about many resources helpful to Access users and developers.

Larry cast an affirmative vote to create the unsponsored Access USENET newsgroup,, in 1993 and still participates there on a regular basis.  He also participates regularly in the Microsoft-sponsored newsgroups for Access (you can get them from the free news server,, or access them through the links at Discussion Groups Home on the Microsoft web site).

In 2003, Microsoft recognized Larry as a Most Valuable Professional for Microsoft Office Access for his contributions to the Access user community by awarding him.  He was reawarded in 2004, 2005, and 2006. For more information about the MVP Program, visit the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional site. During this same period, he has been a member of the Microsoft South Central District Developer Guidance Council, a group of users who are active in application development and user group activities.

Larry has been in the computer business since 1958, worked on mighty mainframes, midsize minicomputers, and miniscule microcomputers. He retired from a major computer manufacturer in 1991, and since then has worked as an independent consultant and developer. He specializes in single-user standalone applications and straight client-server applications, using Microsoft Access He also develops small-to-modest-sized websites, mostly with Microsoft Front Page.

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This site was last updated 08/26/06